How the work environment influences productivity

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Companies are increasingly focusing on the true value of their business: their employees. When employees change their habits and improve the development of their skills and emotional competencies, such as leadership, teamwork or empathy, a more favorable working environment is created. This has an impact on relationships and the work environment, but how does it affect productivity?

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The context of the work environment

Did you know that the work environment is the key to success in companies?

It turns out that many organizations focus on improving performance, increasing productivity and obtaining greater economic benefits, which comes with a high investment in new technologies and tools. However, they forget that success is not a stroke of luck, nor does it depend solely on technology or academic intelligence. At the end of the day, it is the people who make the decisions within the company who set the tone for success. Why not invest in them?

This awareness has led organizations to pay more attention to the qualities of employees, as well as the way they interact with other people, because this leads to improved teamwork and communication.

And ultimately, it also leads to an improvement in the work climate, with the consequent satisfaction of employees in the company.

The effects of the work environment on the company

If you hold a position in a company, you will know that the working environment has a direct impact on the well-being of employees. We have compiled a list of how the working environment influences productivity:

  • When the work climate in which employees work is not right, there is a negative influence on both employees and the company.
  • A bad environment generates discomfort, which prevents us from performing our work properly.
  • Organizational success depends mostly on taking care of the working environment.

In general, the effects of a favorable climate in companies are:

  • Reduction of medical leaves. The increase in satisfaction, motivation and the achievement of goals reduces sick leave.
  • Increased empathy. It is knowing how to recognize the other, with their emotions and ideas, as well as the way they feel. This improves team relationships, communication and work performance.
  • Increased cooperation. By improving communication and teamwork, employees also increase cooperation between colleagues and departments.
  • Teamwork. This is the ability to resolve disputes to improve team performance, as well as to foster creativity and ensure harmonious coexistence.
  • Increased motivation. It involves maintaining the hope and spirit to achieve the goals set, not throwing in the towel and trusting in our possibilities.
  • Improved resilience. We protect our integrity under pressure and positive behavior is triggered despite the problems that may arise.

To these effects, we must also add the increase in employee commitment, better results, effectiveness and quality of the services offered by the company.

All these effects together result in increased productivity. In fact, a study by the Hay Group consulting firm showed that “managers who are concerned about the development of emotional intelligence at work can increase productivity by up to 127%”.

The work climate in employee engagement

As we mentioned earlier, increased employee engagement is another of the great benefits of a favorable climate in companies.

As Lehman points out, “commitment is what transforms a promise into reality, it is the word that speaks boldly of our intentions, it is the action that speaks louder than words, it is making time when there is none, it is keeping promises when circumstances become adverse, it is the material with which character is forged in order to change things, it is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism. Commitment and keeping commitments are the essence of productivity.

What’s really important is that the work climate can increase employee engagement, so we’ve compiled some important thoughts on this competency:

  • Engagement should not be confused with workaholism.
  • Engaged employees feel positive, motivated and fulfilled.
  • Engagement entails confidence in effort, resources and a spirit of sacrifice.
  • Employees are autonomous and responsible in conflict resolution and decision making.
  • Employees also effectively perform all tasks required of them.
  • It increases the optimization of work performance and facilitates the contagion of well-being to the rest of the team.
  • Increases the ability to expand their individual engagement to collective engagement.

Could you identify the people in your work environment who are most engaged in their jobs? Undoubtedly, that would be the best example to explain the characteristics of engagement in the company. Effectiveness, energy and involvement directly influence this emotional state.

It is important to remember that Human Resources departments must transmit these values to new candidates as part of the company’s philosophy.

Conclusions on work climate and productivity

Companies that are committed to the development of their employees’ emotional skills improve the work environment. And this directly and positively influences the increase in productivity. An employee with a high level of self-control is confident in his knowledge; a high level of self-motivation generates the predisposition to face the day-to-day work; a high level of leadership maintains control, dominates the situation and manages emotions calmly; a high level of empathy raises how his comments and actions can affect the rest of the staff; etc.

“He who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe” – Marcus Aurelius.

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