Talking about productivity implies talking about effectiveness for a very simple reason: a productive person is not someone who works long hours, but someone who does something whose consequence is a certain result.
An effective person must be very clear about the objective to be achieved. Otherwise, he lacks focus. And if she lacks focus, she is unfocused. He also needs to accomplish his tasks in the shortest possible time. And for this, it requires the ability to take actions that allow it to obtain results in a short time. And finally, it needs to consume few resources.
The emotional state of company employees directly influences these three factors. First, because when you are totally focused on a task regardless of what is happening around you, you perform that work better. Second, because when you embark on new paths and something starts to destabilize, you tend to withdraw. And third, because when you’re emotionally blocked, your creativity is nullified.
In short, emotional states affect work efficiency, which also means that they influence productivity, but how do you put an end to inefficient work productivity?
Join us, we’ll tell you!
What is inefficient labor productivity?
On the one hand, we understand labor productivity as the measure of a person’s or team’s efficiency at work. On the other hand, inefficiency is the inability of the same to perform a task correctly.
Therefore, inefficient labor productivity is the lack of ability to perform the job properly. When a company’s workers are inefficient, the company suffers economic losses, delays and even leakage of human talent to other companies.
The human resources department must work on productivity, but how can it do so?
ChVmpionMind, a tool for personal and professional wellbeing
Putting an end to inefficient labor productivity is the challenge for many companies. According to data presented by the INE in 2020 and collected by El País, “the segments that show the greatest dynamism are large companies, which also tend to be the most productive”. This is due, above all, “to the generation of economies of scale, the presence of greater resources to export and cheaper financing, in addition to their potential as generators of employment”.
At ChVmpionMind, we have a very effective solution that companies need to end inefficient labor productivity. Our tool aims to solve three major problems:
- the lack of healthy habits
- economic losses due to lack of traceability in human development investments, and
- the absence of work by objectives.
What does ChVmpionMind consist of?
It is a different method, based on applied Neuroscience, Technology and Agile methodologies and Integral Coaching, which allows you to create discipline to incorporate and modify habits that will make you a better leader. Achieving a balance between personal and professional life while training new competencies, developing your strengths and modifying behaviors is not always easy. However, it is very necessary if we want to be productive and achieve sustainable goals in both personal and professional life.
What do we achieve with ChVmpionMind?
Change habits, acquire competencies and develop leadership skills with the support of a well thought-out structure and other people. In addition, it also provides a tremendous sense of accomplishment by turning some behaviors into positives and putting theory into practice.
The platform helps organizations and their leaders achieve better results through a personal wellness program that allows companies to become aware and committed to the investment they make, as well as making participants understand the validity of the program before joining.
How does ChVmpionMind help companies?
By listening to participants, learning about their problems and challenges, as well as finding the best way to solve them. In addition, ChVmpionMind helps participants overcome any obstacles they may encounter. They will receive regular feedback and people will be encouraged to be positive. To track progress, weekly data will be provided to participants to help them make effective decisions. Empathy is a basic emotional competence that should be present throughout the process.
Conclusions: Improving labor productivity with ChVmpionMind
Would you like to generate a change in your company’s productivity? How can you increase the performance of your employees?
Every company wants to be successful. To achieve this, it is necessary to have a good performance in the economic, financial, operational and productive sense, and also that all this can be sustainable both in time with people’s welfare, as well as with reduced costs, but how to achieve it?
Through productivity, which is the indicator of efficiency, as well as the degree of performance, which measures how the company’s available resources are used. Whether you are a freelancer, an entrepreneur, an SME or a large company, productivity is essential for developing competitiveness.
To improve it, it is necessary to develop effective communication, both internally and externally, to promote rest actions, to set new challenges, to motivate employees, to recognize their achievements, to create training programs, to assign varied tasks so as not to fall into monotony, etc.
ChVmpionMind takes these needs into account, combining science, integral coaching and technology to promote well-being and human development. The platform has been designed by specialized professionals with extensive experience in coaching and applied neuroscience. In addition, it allows you to set personal and professional goals that you want to improve, train body and mind by creating positive habits in your routine and achieve superior results through pills that boost professional development.
It has different integrated applications that allow:
- Keeps records of the proposed tasks.
- Help to design and share goals with the people you want.
- Receive learning pills.
- Calculate the ROI of the method week by week.
- Encourage the user to generate healthy habits.
- Receive support.
Among other things!
At ChVmpionMind, we help professionals and companies to modify behaviors, generating well-being and a high level of performance. It is a method based on applied neuroscience, with algorithms to individualize learning, and artificial intelligence to detect patterns that will offer companies high-value information for wiser decision making.
Are you ready to improve your results with a personalized personal and professional wellness program? Contact us, we can help you.